Recently we have had staggeringly kind donations of fly tying materials – Janie thank you so much.
And flies…Oh! My Goodness thousands came from Andy in the West Country – all superbly well tied, innovative and many of which will be available to contribute towards Fishing for Schools on our stand at the BFFi Fair at Stafford Show Ground on the 12th and 13th of February.
One of the loveliest gestures in a while – and frankly, all and any donation falls into that category, no matter how grand or small – was made from the sale of honey…and not just any honey…. This was Nicola Cook’s Hampshire Honey!
No one could have been more surprised than me when a message from Nicola came through and on to my e-mail. Hundreds of pounds raised through sales of Nicola’s honey. Donations like this not only help us do more: they inspire us to do more.
The reality is Nicola’s, Andy and Janie’s donations are at the very core of what we do. Humbling us to redouble our efforts to do more, get more young people out fishing, to help where little help exists…to listen when few ever do. To care; importantly to be kind to our fellow fishers and human beings.
That is why we do what we do.