A kindness of others…..
The generosity, both financially and emotionally from Fishing for Schools supporters never ceases to astonish me; or indeed, humble everyone connected with our team.
Giving Tuesday was an emphatic example. We asked - actually, hoped for - in and around three thousand pounds to assist us in our school delivery programme. We never imagined we would reach that target. Too, much competition: and way, too, much going on in the world.
Well, we didn’t realise that target: we exceeded it… beyond our wildest hopes. The total stands at over five thousand pounds and believe me, that is extraordinary and as I said, earlier, humbling.
You are all, simply, magnificent.
But - there is always one or two, possibly even more, things one should learn from experiences such as Giving Tuesday. We learnt.
This particular initiative (Giving Tuesday) reached a far wider audience than the ones usually associated with Fishing for Schools. This “new” audience asked some very searching questions about various elements regarding the delivery of F4S. My goodness! They were relevant - and do require answers. Therefore, in the New Year, I shall launch a video that explains - warts and all - where the funding goes, how your generosity helps and what it achieves.
Simply, we owe it to you - our supporters - to be utterly transparent. I hope that you will join me and see for yourselves how you all help - in a tangible way.
As one might expect, delivering to schools at this time, continues to be difficult. With a constant changing backdrop regarding tiers and the effects that these have on our school delivery, is a continual problem. The fact that we are able to deliver at all is a minor miracle - and we are. Albeit, in a limited capacity: but we are delivering.
Kevin Durman - one of the dedicated Kent F4S coaches has been able (I don't know how!) to deliver to Orchard school in Canterbury: and this not only highlights the supreme professionalism and drive our coaches possess: but also the faith and enthusiasm that the actual schools has for what we bring to the students.
On a brighter note, schools are really pushing to regain the ground that we have lost this past year and we have an almost full complement of F4S courses for the spring and beyond.
On a slightly lighter note: I really would like to thank everyone who supported us by purchasing the F4S Christmas card. We sold out! And that, I have to say, is rather like seeing a “red-dot” on ones painting in an exhibition. We are beaming! Thank you.
e have restocked my 2019 Fishing for Schools Christmas card recently, with all proceeds going to our work. Orders must be made by close-of-play 17th December for Christmas delivery.
So please look out for the New Year Video; we are also going to have a New Year Heroes awards - and celebrate members of the team and the industry - and schools - and of course the fabulous students; all who have done so much to really establish Fishing for Schools during the most difficult period anyone could possibly imagine.
That just leaves me to wish you, the very best Christmas you can possibly have, but also the safest and healthiest New Year.
But above all, thank you for being the supporters of F4S that you are. Magnificent!