If you are looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the fishing enthusiast in your life, then look no further... we have the ideal present in 'The Lightening Thread' by the talented David Profumo, which you can order from Amazon or any good bookshop.
The Lightening Thread
by David Profumo
One always knows an angling book is serious when there is little in the way of “how to…”; and no pictures.
For nearly four decades I have fished with and admired David Profumo. For me, he is the pinnacle of a writer – in angling or indeed, any other sphere.
The Lightening Thread is consummation of that prodigious talent. Profumo’s elegance of words, is only matched by his wit, humour, historical knowledge, occasional waspishness and understanding of a sport which has taken him across the globe in piscatorial pursuits in life full of characters, adventure and fish.
Frankly, I wont do anything other than say…urge someone to get you this book as a present, buy it yourself…borrow it if you have to. But get it. Then nestle into a chair, turn off the ‘phone, TV, computer or any other modern distraction, pour a glass and immerse yourself in some of the finest English, descriptive literary visions and sentence construction you will ever read.
Be taken fishing, smell it, immerse yourself in it.
David, thank you for bring us the mystery and elegance of angling back into our fundamental world.
Charles Jardine
Christmas 2021
We would like to personally thank David Profumo from all at Fishing for Schools for his generous ongoing support of our work. David is a huge supporter and one of our esteemed Ambassadors. One man who has really dug deep and helped when we needed it most.
The Lightening Thread Is Published by:
Scribner UK
ISBN 978-1-4711-8655-4
Available at Amazon and all good bookshops.