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Clarity on Angling during Lockdown-2: 2nd November 2020

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

The Angling Trust make a statement on angling in England during the forthcoming lockdown:

"Unlike golf and tennis the government have not asked fisheries to close and their announcement and guidance makes clear that outdoor recreation at ‘parks and gardens’ and at ‘beaches and in the ‘countryside’ is to be deemed a legitimate reason for leaving home from November 5th.

The travel guidance was updated yesterday and it seems that short journeys from home for these purposes are to be permitted. There are a number of other issues on which we are seeking clarification and a copy of our letter to the Secretary of State at DCMS can be downloaded via [this link] for those wanting to see more."

The final regulations will not be published until Wednesday 4th November. When they are available, we will publish these to our website.

For details of current angling/Covid regulations in Wales, you can find information on the Anglings Trust's Fishing In Wales website.

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